The Families and Riders of FLY MX PARK wish to express their heartfelt THANKS to all of the SPONSORS of the 2009 "Roostin' on the River" Series!!!


2015 Fly MX Park Sponsor Benefits



Dear Sponsors,


We are very excited about the upcoming 2015 Motocross season at Fly MX Park located in Fly, Ohio. We are writing to tell you about all of the benefits you will receive by becoming a sponsor of our track for the next season.

First, I would like to tell you a little about the facility. Fly MX Park has been in business since 2004 and it is a three quarter mile motocross facility featuring both dirt bikes and quads with a full range of classes from minis to seniors. The track is located on the beautifulOhio Riverand many of the riders that have participated in events here have said it is the best prepared track and the most efficiently run of any track in the tri-state area. With it's many tight turns, rhythm sections, doubles, triples, table tops and big air jumps the track is exceptionally conducive to competitive side-by-side, handlebar-to-handlebar motocross action.  Fly MX Park is also the home of the best MX school in the tri-state area, “Big Guy’s MX School”. Our race season is from April through October and we are currently planning on another 7 race season with required participation for season ending championship trophies set at 6. 

Our race attendance has improved considerably each year. The average numberof racers per event is now approximately 100 and we have a mailing list of over 950 motocross families that we regularly send schedules and special race flyers. Also, we have a very extensive web site ( and we are extremely prompt with race results, upcoming special events, practice schedules, series point’s standings, and sponsors, not to mention many pages of pictures of riders and families at the track.

We have our own FM radio station and PA system that broadcasts the day’s events along with recognition of our sponsors many times through out the day. We also have a track photographer that documents each race and many of the pictures are used for promotion on our web site.

We would be very excited to have your support and participation during the next race season as a sponsor of Fly MX Park. Below we will outline the benefits that you will receive by sponsoring us for the 2013 season:

·        Your company info/Logo will appear on all of our race schedules, special event mailers, and promotional t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats.

·        A large 4 foot high by 8 foot long metal sign will be professionally painted with your logo (your design) and displayed at the track so that it will be visible to all who attend the races and it will also be visible to traffic on Ohio State Route 7.

·        Your company info will be recognized as a sponsor a minimum of four times during all 7 events by our announcer on the track PA system and also simulcast at each event on FM 88.1 (our track radio station).

·        Your company info will be listed on our “Sponsors” pages and our “Favorite Links”page on the Fly MX Park web site. We will also list you on our “Champions” page if you give prizes or gift certificates for the champions of our race series.

·        You will have the opportunity to set up a prominent vendor area at each of our 7 races.

If you are interested in sponsoring our 2015 “Roostin’ on the River” Race Series at Fly MX Park, the required participation is $500.00 per year at the beginning of the season plus a one time $250.00 chargefor the sign mentioned above, plus a prize or gift certificate for each of the series champions at the end of the season. Please contact us at 740-483-1937 for further information or to signup.

We look forward to seeing you at the Races!

Guy and Roberta Longwell

  NOTE: The above proposal is for Motorcycle Dealers, Accessory Vendors/Dealers and Repair Facilities. The proposal below is for Accessory/Motorcycle Manufacturers and Distributors.

2015 Fly MX Park Sponsor Benefits

Manufacturers and Distributors



Dear Sponsors,


We are very excited about the upcoming 2015 Motocross season at Fly MX Park located in Fly, Ohio. We are writing to tell you about all of the benefits you will receive by becoming a sponsor of our track for the next season.

First, I would like to tell you a little about the facility. Fly MX Park has been in business since 2004 and it is a three quarter mile motocross facility featuring both dirt bikes and quads with a full range of classes from minis to seniors. The track is located on the beautifulOhio Riverand many of the riders that have participated in events here have said it is the best prepared track and the most efficiently run of any track in the tri-state area. With it's many tight turns, rhythm sections, doubles, triples, table tops and big air jumps the track is exceptionally conducive to competitive side-by-side, handlebar-to-handlebar motocross action. Fly MX Park is also the home of the best MX school in the tri-state area, “Big Guy’s MX School”. Our race season is from April through October and we are currently planning on another 7 race season with required participation for season ending championship trophies set at 6.

Our race attendance has improved considerably each year. The average number of racers per event is now approximately 100 and we have a mailing list of over 950 motocross families that we regularly send schedules and special race flyers. Also, we have a very extensive web site ( and we are extremely prompt with race results, upcoming special events, practice schedules, series point’s standings, and sponsors, not to mention many pages of pictures of riders and families at the track.

We have our own FM radio station and PA system that broadcasts the day’s events along with recognition of our sponsors many times through out the day. We also have a track photographer that documents each race and many of the pictures are used for promotion on our web site.

We would be very excited to have your support and participation during the next race season as a sponsor of Fly MX Park. Below we will outline the benefits that you will receive by sponsoring us for the 2015 season:

·        Your company info/Logo will appear on all of our race schedules, special event mailers, and promotional t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats.

·        Your logo banners, hay bale covers and track streamers will be prominently displayed at the track so that it will be visible to all who attend the races and it will also be visible to traffic on Ohio State Route 7.

·        Your company info (a script could be provided by your company if you prefer) will be recognized as a sponsor a minimum of four times during all 7 events by our announcer on the track PA system and also simulcast at each event on FM 88.1 (our track radio station).

·        Your company info will be listed on our “Sponsors” pages and our “Favorite Links”page on the Fly MX Park web site. We will also list you on our “Champions” page when you give prizes or gift certificates for the champions of our race series.

·        You could also have the opportunity to name an event or the entire series. (Additional requirements may apply.)

If you are interested in sponsoring our 2015 “Roostin’ on the River” Race Series at Fly MX Park, the required participation is providing race banners, track markers, streamers, posters this year at the beginning of the season plus a prize, discount coupon, or a gift certificate for each of the series champions at the end of the season. Please contact us at 740-483-1937 for further information or to sign up.

Guy and Roberta Longwell

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