Race 5
May 13, 2012
Not a great weather day today, but still not a bad day for a race. Not a great turnout today, but still enough to have the race. A BIG Thanks to everyone that came and raced with us today. It was Heart Warming that several of you came and supported us even though it was Mother's Day and a wet, rainy day.

It was good to see the Elliot's at the track today. Both of the Elliot Racers were looking good in the mud today. Alyssa took first in the Girl's Open Class and Tate was second in the 50cc Race Bike Class on his new Cobra.

"Mad Mike" Yoker was flying today in the 50cc Race Bike Class and the 65cc Class. He left the track with TWO First Place trophies.

I have to mention Jacob Visnic in the 65cc Class. This was, with out a doubt, his best ride at the track. Jacob normally doesn't like the mud races and rarely races in the mud, but today, he rode and looked excellent out there! His command of the mud was amazing, he really worked hard! He rode steady and stayed on two wheels extremely well! Great ride Jacob!

Deron Glass was doing great today. He went well in the mud. He won both the 250cc C and the Open C Classes.

Hunter Bever was looking really fast today in the mud, not only did he take the win in the Quad Amateur Class, but also the Quad Junior.
  SEE YA Next race on May 27th!!
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