July 6,
Great weekend at the track with lots of enjoyable racing. It wasn't
extremely hot and the track stayed in really good shape, especially
in the second Moto.
We had a
bit of a misunderstanding this weekend and I thought I would try to
clear it up for those folks that don't spend much time at Motocross
tracks. It seems one of the riders was upset with us when they
missed their second Moto. We are not sure why that person missed
the Moto. Let me try to describe how we keep everyone informed of
when it is time for them to race.
after the "sign up" and "race order" are complete, we print out and
make available to everyone a single sheet with the "Race Order"
clearly printed on it (for a nominal fee). You don't have to buy
it, but it does help to remind you when it's your turn to race.
Then, the Announcer calls for each class to come to the staging
area. This happens
once as the previous class (in order) is leaving the
starting gate. The class is called to the staging area for a
second time
as the last lap is occurring. I should mention that the announcer
uses two means of communication: 1.) we have a PA with decently
powered speakers that reach out at a pretty good radius around the
Tower, and 2.) we simulcast on an FM radio station on 88.1 which
reaches the State Highway 7 and the Ohio River. If you can't hear
the PA speakers, just bring a small inexpensive FM radio with you
and I guarantee it will receive the broadcast. Next, as everyone
that remembered to come to the line are lining up, our Starting
Line Person checks his list and informs the Announcer of the
missing riders, if there are any. The Announcer calls for the
missing riders to come to the gate; by Name and Race Number. If no
one comes, a second call is made over the PA/Radio Station and we
wait two minutes. If no one responds, we start the race. So as you
can see, we call for the participants at least
FOUR times. I hope this clears up any misunderstanding as to
how we communicate with the participants at the event.
people leave throughout the day without informing us (and that is
OK), but, that means we don't know if you are still at the track or
at home watching TV when it is your turn to race and we won't waste
the other participants time that are on the line, ready to race,
while we look for you. Most folks understand this, but occasionally
some are confused as to the workings of Fly MX Park.
let's talk about how the season is progressing so far! The season
is quickly winding down, only two more races left. Remember, you
must ride at least FIVE races to be eligible for a "Championship
Trophy". Also, keep in mind, all SIX races count this year, there
is no "Best of Five" this year.
Wallace is currently in the lead of the Quad Junior Class with 60
points. But, Garrett Watson is catching up. Garrett must remember
that he must race the last two races to be considered for a season
end award.
Coming Soon