June 16, 2013
Well, the weather wasn't the greatest and the track was a bit slick in places, but that's Motocross! There are going to be muddy days. When Guy and I were kids, we looked forward to riding/racing no matter if it was snowing, raining, frozen, muddy, dusty; let's just say it didn't matter. We had great fun, no matter what! I really struggle with a response when I hear people complain about mud, or a rut that wasn't there last race, or a new hole on the track. How do I tell people to "Suck it Up", without offending them, because that is MOTOCROSS!?
We had a good turnout and, as always, GOOD FUN!
It's been a few races since we have seen Hunter Shriner at the track, not only has he grown, but his speed has improved immensely. He was flying in the mud, he looks much faster than before. I can't imagine how fast he would have been on a dry track. Hunter won both the 250cc C Class and the 250cc School-Boy classes today.
Another rider that says "What Mud?", is Cole Smith. There are few riders through the years at Fly MX Park that carry the poise and speed that Cole does. I know that I have said many good things about this rider, but they should be repeated! One day I won't be able to write about him any more. He will be written about by writers in Racer X, Transworld Motocross, Motocross Action; any way, you get the idea. If he pursues racing at a Pro Level, he will be at the top. The only thing I will be able to say is, he used to race at our track (Fly MX Park) as a kid. I wish I could have had the kind of poise and calm that Cole has when I raced. I am kind of hoping Guy and I can get some free tickets to a National Motocross race or two from Cole and his Dad after he "Makes It". Cole walked away with the wins in Super-Mini and 125cc B-C classes.
Another rider that we don't see as often, but who is always very enjoyable to watch is Andrew Green. Man has this kid worked hard at being fast! Andrew won the 250cc B class and the Open B class today. His brother Brandon is no "Stranger to Speed" as well, he took the win in the College-Boy class today. The Green Family has spent much time and effort to give these brothers every opportunity to race and learn to go fast.
Brian Boley got the win in the 65cc class. This little guy flys, it must be in the blood. If I am not mistaken, I think Brian is Cole Smith's cousin.
I have to mention one of my favorite Quad riders. Brian Huggins took the win in the Quad Amateur class today. If there ever was a rider that gives it everything, every lap of the race, it has to be Brian. I gave him the "Wild Man Huggins" moniker as few seasons back and it still holds. His skill has improved as well as his control. But what I like about his riding style, is that he looks like he is on the ragged edge of control at all times. Nice win today!!
I am sorry for the lateness of this story, but I have spent the last few weeks getting ready to go camping. Jeanne and I haven't been on a vacation in a few years. We just never found the time with taking care of our parents in their last years. I am sitting here at "Salt Fork State Park" writing my story. I had to overcome some technology issues to be able to do this. There is no WiFi at Salt Fork, so we had to turn one of our iPhones into a WiFi Hot Spot and then get it to connect to my new Microsoft Surface Pro tablet. Then, I can't use the latest version of Microsoft Explorer to connect to the Fly MX Web site, so I had to download Firefox to be able to write this story. Anyway, it's done for another race. Guess what, Race number 4 is just around the corner.
I hope to see everyone at our next race! Hopefully the weather will give us a break. Don't forget, if you would like to see your favorite rider mentioned in the story, make sure to stop by the Tower and let me know.  Also, one more item I wanted to mention  is the new Very Large (3 foot by 5 foot), Weather Proof, Full Color Posters of your favorite rider. Two examples are on display on the front of the the sign up building at each race. These aren't cheap, but they will last for many years. Don't Forget,
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