Race 2
May 4, 2014
It was another "Great Day for Motocross" at Fly MX Park. We had a good turnout and lots of new riders. It is always good when new riders find our track. It makes all of the folks that work at the track feel good to know that so many people travel from so many places to ride to ride at our track.
The big story in my mind today was Jim Roth and his success at the track. He moved up to the "B" class in the 250cc and Open classes. He not only won both of his motos in both of these classes, but in the Open B class, which was combined with the Open A class, he kept with the Open A riders for the entire race. I think with a little more seasoning he will ready to make another class change. Great rides Jim!
Speaking of the Open A Class, Cody Longwell continues to improve, his speed has definitely improved from the first race. He took the win again in his class.
Bryan Huggins continues his dominance of the Quad Pro Class. Not only did he win this class, but he took the win in the Quad College Boy Class as well. He really has the track dialed. I saw him fit his quad through a hole in traffic that a dirt bike would barely fit through today. 
Brennan Boron not only got the win in the 65cc Class today, but he took second in the Mini-Junior Class. Bradon Holdren won the Mini-Junior Class.
  I forgot to mention that Jim Roth also got the win in the Mini-Senior Class as well as both "B" Classes. He is still young enough to race the Mini-Seniors.
Since we had some issues with certain riders stopping on the white flag at the last race, we thought we would have a remedial flag reading class before the first moto on Sunday. If any of you are in doubt about the difference between the checkered flag and the white flag, I think we can clear that any misunderstandings.
I have some very sad news to report. Fly MX Park lost one of our favorite sons. Jeff Holland died in an accident on his farm this week (5/27). Jeff is the best Finish Line Flagger we ever had. He was the the key person that kept the races flowing. Jeff was a hard worker that always jumped right in to help with any problem at the track. He was a good friend that will be missed. The good thing is that Jeff will always be with us in our hearts. In fact, there will always be a chair for Jeff next to me in the Announcer's Tower.
We hope to see everyone at the races on June 1st.
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