April 7, 2012
The new season is underway! It was a "Great
Day for Motocross" this past Saturday! Guy worked hard on the track
over the past few weeks and it definitely was noticeable. There was
hardly any dust until the very end of each set of Motos.
The new wood chips really make a difference in holding
Boy did the 50cc riders come to race today! I
don't think I have ever seen an entire group of 50cc riders so
competitive this early in the season! All of them, no matter the
class, were flying! Braden Morgenstern was really flying on his
KTM's in both of his classes. Michael Yoker got the win in the 7-8
age group Race Bike Class. He and his other class mates; Easton
Little and Shawn Miller, were hitting the doubles like Pros today.
It's hard for me to imagine that 50cc bikes are even capable of
getting over one jump, let alone doing the doubles! These
guys are going to provide many motos of enjoyment for the
spectators this season!
The Quad Amateur Class was packed with riders
today. Some were returning regulars and there was some new blood as
well. As always the "Battlin' Blake Brothers" hit the track at high
speed and in style with some new paint jobs/decals on their quads.
Travis finished 1st and Wiatt second. It was good to see "Wild Man
Huggins" back, he always adds an element of intrigue to each and
every moto he participates in; you never know!! Matt Stevens took a
year off as well, but it doesn't look like he missed a step, he got
the hole shot in the second moto. Unfortunately he crashed later
and relinquished his lead. We are adding a Quad Novice (C) Class
this year, so if you know anyone that would like to give racing a
try, but were afraid to start with this pack, let them know.
The Super Mini Class looks to be very Competitive
this season. Hobie Howiler has found new meaning to the term "Twist
the Throttle", he is really flying this season. Not only did he win
the first moto, but he got the hole shot in the second and led
until the last half of the last lap. Fortunately for the rest of
the pack, he went down and gave everyone else a chance. Jim Roth
got the win today and Hobie ended up second overall. The rest of
the field will have to double up on "Eating their Wheaties" (The
Breakfast of Champions), if they are going to keep up with
The battle in the 65cc Class was one of the best all
day. These guys really know the meaning of "Never Give Up, Never
Say Die". Issac Gribble, Braden Roberts, and Jacob Visnic were
battling all moto long. Michael Yoker was hanging in there with
them as well. For awhile Issac Gribble would lead, then go down,
then Braden Roberts would move into the lead, then, the next thing
you know, here comes Jacob Visnic making the pass for the lead.
This sequence went on for the whole moto, with the lead changing
hands at least three times that I know of; as it turns out Braden
Roberts got the overall win for the day and Jacob Visnic came in
second. If you didn't watch this race, you should next week, there
was more "bar to bar" battling with this group of riders then
almost any other for the entire day. Great job Guys!!
Hobie Howiler dominated the Mini-Senior Class
today! Jaedon Walraven and Tyler Kuhn also looked very good. But
mostly I have to mention Ben Cunningham for the job he did after
wrecking and breaking his clutch lever. I got a call on the radio
from Russ saying, "I don't think Ben is going to be able to finish
because of the broken lever." Not only did Ben get going again, but
he did very well considering he had no usable clutch. If you have
ever riden a small bore two-stroke, you understand how important it
is to have a good working clutch. It is almost imperative in the
turns, most riders would be lost without it. Great ride Ben!
Taylor Bowers had a good scare today. I was
watching the last moto of the day and I happened to look over at
the five pack; towards the end of the series of jumps there was a
large cloud of dust. I didn't see what happened, but what I saw was
Taylor stand up out of the dust. The next thing I know, Taylor's
Mom is walking towards the pit area carrying a complete wheel
assembly from Taylor's Quad. Then came her Quad being towed with an
axle dragging in the dirt. Whatever went on before the large cloud
of dust, couldn't have been any fun. It looked like Taylor came out
of the ordeal without any issues, because she walked back to the
pits unaided. Hopefully the repair won't be to extensive.
I wanted to mention the 50+ and 250cc combined
classes start. If you noticed, as Guy Longwell, Jamie Burton, and
Chase Brown headed into the first turn, it appeared that the three
riders were linked together. Either that or Guy was just leaning on
the other two. I am not exactly sure. As they started around the
turn, it kind of looked like the "Three Stooges" with Moe in the
middle saying "Spread Out", because Guy and Chase fell down and Moe
(Jamie) looked at both of them and headed for the whoops.
Then Shemp (Guy) and Curley (Chase) picked up their bikes
and gave chase (no pun intended).
On last thing I wanted to mention is that
during the last few races, all of us have noticed several adults
crossing the snow fence that separates the roadway from the exit
ramp to the track. We have installed this fence to keep people from
getting run down by exiting riders. Also, you are establishing a
bad precedent for the children by choosing to ignore a barrier that
is not meant to be crossed for safety reasons. While you might
think before you cross the barrier, the children may not and a
tragedy will occur. No one would ever mean to run over someone
coming off the track, but it may be unavoidable. A child
against a four hundred pound four wheeler at speed is not going to
end well.
Besides safety reasons, each time you pull it down
to cross it, it makes it lower and easier for children to cross it.
Then we have to waste time repositioning the fence.
That's it for this race, if you would like to see your
favorite rider in the race story, stop and let me know!