Race 17
October 16, 2011
What a Great Day! NO Rain, and because of the wind, the track dried up by race time. Those of you that didn't come, missed one of the truely good days this year for a race, the temperature was also PERFECT. While we didn't have a great turn out today, we still had some good competition in many of the classes.
It was good to see some folks back at the track that have been gone for awhile; the Greens and the Weavers. Welcome back!
 Several folks wrapped up their Championship positions today and only a hand full will complete their 13 races next race.
I have to mention the efforts of one our E-Squad members. During the first Moto of the Quad Am class, Michael Bragg lost a crucial bolt from his steering on his Quad and wasn't able to finish. The E-Squad member (I think it was Carl Merkel) went out on the track and searched for a considerable time (even with an aching back) until he found the bolt, which allowed Michael to compete in the second Moto and Win!
Deron Glass got a little out-of-hand on the five pack today and landed wrong injuring his back! He had to get a ride from our E-Squad to get checked out. It looks like he will miss a few races, but at least he completed enough races to get his 13 in for a Championship award. 
Just as a reminder, the "Race Books" are ready and will be available at the next race. also, don't forget, we have one more race for the 2011 season and on November 6th, the first race of 2012 (Plus the awards night).
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