Race 16
September 12, 2010
What another Great Day for Motocross at Fly MX Park!! The weather couldn't have been better and the track was perfect. I fear the good weather for racing is going to become scarce soon. I would say you should enjoy the outdoors while you can, winter will be upon us and we will be looking at snow outside our windows. It was good to see old friends again today.
It was good to see the Hewetson's back at the track today, Craig looked good out there and came away with the win in the 250 B class. Andrew Arnold also rode a good race in the 250 B on a bike of his own making. He owns three bikes, all of which have some major problem. He currently has a 125 Kawasaki, a 125 KTM, and a 250 Honda. The frame is broken on the Kawasaki, the motor blown on the KTM and some other issue (that I can't remember) with the Honda. He told me he didn't want to miss the chance for an "Iron Man" award this year, so he set out to make a ridable bike he could use to compete on Sunday. He was able to take the good motor out of the Kawasaki and fit it into the KTM frame. Somehow he was able to get most stuff to fit and work, with the exception of the rear brake. He rode with no rear brake and did very well. I have to applaud his ingenuity and mechanical skill. Not many people his age would have had the capability to put together a bike from pieces of two different machines and make it competitive. 
If you aren't sure what an "Iron Man" award is, we (Jeanne and I) started this award a couple of seasons ago. If you ride all 18 races at Fly MX Park in one class during the season, we give you a nice framed 16" X 20" poster of an action shot taken at the track during the season.
Ian Carpenter got the win today in the 65cc class, congratulations! He has been improving consistently all year. It looked like Wyatt Abele made his debut on a lowered 65cc KTM Sunday, a little tentative, but a good ride. Also, Jacob Visnic is still looking good on his 65.
 Is it just me, or is Vince Boggs a "HOLESHOT MACHINE". This guy has got the art of the "Holeshot" down to a science! I can't remember the last time someone beat him off the line. Everyone could take a lesson from Vince.
Wiatt Blake was back on the track Sunday after a brief stint on the injured reserve list. He is racing with the cast still on his broken arm. Second in the Quad College Boy class isn't too shabby with a broken arm.
We had one of the best 50 classes in awhile. Wyatt Abele won the 50cc 4-6 race bike class, Jacob Visnic won the 50cc 7-8 class, and Ethan Phillips the 4-6 trail bike class. Everybody did a great job out there today. Also, we had a couple of new riders at the track; The Taggarts, Cody and Maya, welcome to the track!
Aerion Weaver cleaned up today! Not only did he win the Open C class, but he also won the 250 C. Both were great rides! If there was a trophy given for best improved rider during the season, he would win it Hands Down!! He is a definite candidate to move to the B class next season!
I have to mention the second moto ride of James Hewetson, it was his best ever. I have never seen a more inspired ride from James. He was flat out flying. He got second in the 250cc School Boy class. Of course, as always, Steven Glendenning got the win today, another nice ride by Steven! 
Looks like Brandon Smitley is getting the hang of his new bike, he is doing better every race. I guess he has decided that he has mastered quads and it is time to try bikes. He is going to be our Quad 80-110cc Champion in a couple more races (actually, he already is and he has a Perfect Season), but we don't give out trophies until the entire season is finished. 
Dustin Lamp continues his quiet, unassuming quest for another Championship at Fly MX Park. He is soon to be our "Open B Champion". Also, he has a Perfect Season completed (13 First Place Finishes). Another great campaign is almost in the books! Congratulations are in order!! 
Ricky Crosby looked great today, he not only won the Quad Junior class today, but he came in second in the Quad Amateur class. Two excellent rides!
 Gavin Shaver had a bad day today in the 250 C class, he got a really bad start and had to work his way all the way through the pack in the first moto. In the second moto, Nicole Hays wrecked at the finish line jump (with only a couple of laps left) and got beat up with a tweaked knee and a concussion. While she was down and Jeff (finish line flagman) was trying to protect Nicole, things got confusing. Gavin came across the line and thought it was the last lap, he let off and Aerion Weaver got by, Gavin realized what happened and took off, but it was too late to catch Aerion. Even though Gavin had a bad day, he took it well, he left with a smile on his face. That's what I call "Good Sportsmanship". Great attitude and ride today Gavin!!
Well, that's about it for this race. Only two more races to go for the 2010 season! If you would like to be mentioned in the race story, make sure to stop at "The Tower" and let me know. I don't always see everything, so I could use your help from time to time. We have the "2010 Fly MX Photo Books" complete. The books will be available for pick-up at the next three races. If you didn't get to see the Photo Books, make sure you ask to see one. Especially, if you would be interested in one for next season. If you don't know what I'm talking about, we offered a very nice 8" X 11" Hardcover, Leather bound, with at least 40 Full Color Pictures, Personalized, Coffee Table Book of your favorite rider. The books cost $85.00, which is a bargain, if you were to buy 40 - 4"X6" pictures, that would cost you $80.00 and you would just have 40 loose pictures, instead of a nice hardcover book. Until next race, remember, even a bad day on a motocross track still beats a good day just sitting around!!
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