Race Story 10 and 11
July 23 & 24, 2011
Another hot weekend, but still a good time was had by all! The track was in GREAT shape, the racing was excellent, and the race season has moved past the half way mark. I hate to remind everyone, but you need to make sure that you have raced at least 6 races so far and you are planning to race the remaining 7, or you won't be eligible for a season championship. You must race 13 races to join the ranks of previous Fly MX Park Champions. As soon as we hit the 13 race point, I will post all of the riders that have hit the mark. It will be in a separate list on the Points Standing page. Each race after number 13 I will post all of the riders that achieve 13. 

The Open A, B and C classes were excellent this weekend. It was good to see Treavis Poynter back at Fly MX. I don't think I have ever seen him go so fast at the track. In fact it seemed as though he was still gaining speed at the end of each moto. Treavis got the Open A wins both Saturday and Sunday. Steven Glendenning easily walked away with wins both days in the Open C class. We had two different winners in the Open B class this weekend; John Rudolph on Saturday and Aerion Weaver on Sunday. Lots of enjoyable races both days in all of these classes. 

Taylor Bowers was flying in the combined classes of Quad Juniors, Quad School Boy and the Quad Women's on Saturday. She got the Hole Shot and never looked back. I don't think I have ever seen her so strong on her quad. It seemed like everything fell into place for her. It was if she found her "Perfect Storm" that day.

Billy Burton really dug deep in the second Moto of the 25+ A class and walked away with a great win. Treavis Poynter and he traded wins in the Open A and the 25+ A classes. These two had some very enjoyable battles in their classes on Saturday. Treavis won both classes on Sunday and Cody Longwell came in second in both classes. 

Hobie Howiler and Jim Roth had a really close race in the Mini-Senior class on Saturday in the first moto. Unfortunately, just as it was getting to a side by side battle, Jim went down. However Jim came back in the second moto and got the win for the overall. 

Deron Glass has been looking like a totally new rider lately, he won the 125cc B-C classes both Saturday and Sunday and he won the 125cc School-Boy class Saturday and got a second on Sunday. WOW!! Great rides Deron!! He is our leader in the race for the season Championship in the 125cc School-Boy class and in a very comfortable second place position in the 125cc B-C class behind Vince Boggs. I see some Championships in the future of both of these riders.

 Tate Elliot got two good wins in the 50cc Race Bike class this weekend. 

Billy "Outlaw" Goske made his race debut in the D class this weekend after a long layoff due to injury. He looked really good out there, in fact, from what we hear he was maybe a little over zealous on the double jumps. I didn't see it but it was reported by a very reliable source. I will be keeping my eye on him from now on, sometimes even retired police try to bend the rules a little. By the way once again Ron Raber got the D class wins both Saturday and Sunday. I look forward to Billy getting in better shape and some good battles between these two gentlemen.

 If you missed the Super-Mini class on Sunday, it appears that Cole Smith was tripling in the 5 pack and the second set of triples in the six pack. While that may not seem like anything out of the ordinary, he was performing this feat on a Yamaha 80cc. Not too shabby!! I would guess that to hit the triple on the five pack he would have to make to transition from the double perfectly and get on the power and the exactly correct moment to make the jump. I doubt seriously there would be any reserve power in case of a slip or loss of traction. He was hitting these triples very consistently. 

I am sorry this story is late, once again I had another death to contend with, one of my best friends died last week from leukemia. His name is Frank Hinrichs and he was only 54. Way too young to be gone already. I will really miss him. Also, I just learned my Uncle Fred Smith just died, so I will be attending another funeral this weekend. Enough feeling sad, back to racing.

 It was a very good two race weekend, we don't have too many races left for this season. Don't forget, race #1 of the 2012 will be held this October. It is a good chance to get a jump on the points standings for next year. 
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