Race 18
23, 2011
What do
you do if you have a Motocross Race and hardly anyone shows up?!
Not much, except give the folks that need the race for one reason
or another (to finalize their Championship points for their year
end award or their eighteenth race so they can achieve their Iron
Man award) their points and have a practice day. That way we can
send home the folks that would normally work for pay, without pay.
It is unfortunate that we have to do that, but A lot of folks
probably don't realize just how expensive it is to put on a race.
You see, if we don't get at least 50-60 riders per race (including
the extra family and friends that come with the riders), we don't
even break even. It actually costs money out of our pockets to hold
a race. A lot of people don't understand the expense of holding a
race. There are many costs at each race such as paying the flagmen,
the score keepers, the computer scorer, the E-Squad, the start line
person, the concession stand folks. Also, we have to buy the food
for the concession stand, buy the trophies, pay the folks that take
care of the port-a-johns, trash pick-up, the mortgage on the
track, fuel for the generators and the tractor, and pay the
folks that mow the grass. This isn't really everything, just the
major items, but as you can see, these things add up.
I guess
what I am saying is while we really aren't in the Motocross
business to become rich, we are all hooked on Motocross racing and
we don't do this to become famous or make money, but we REALLY need
your support to continue to provide a nice track for you to
We have
one more race left this year (the first race of 2012 season)
and we would really like to see everyone come to help support the
the weather and the rider turnout will be better for
2012!! Also, WE REALLY appreciate the LOYAL RIDERS that spent
the better part of the season with us this year!! THANKS, and we
hope to see you again next season!!