Father's Day 2012
Austin Legg and DadAuston Wall and DadBilly, Jamie Burton and Daughter
Brad Louden and Dad, RonDad and Brett DimmickBilly and Jamie Burton
Dad and Caden HissomMike Conroy and Deron GlassDad and Bryan Huggins
Easton Little and DadTres and Adam CampbellDad and Bryan Huggins
Grayson Batcheller and DadAdam and Tres CampbellCody, Jayla, and Guy Longwell
The BatchellersThe CampbellsIan and Eric Carpenter
Dad and Issac GribbleJames, Owen, and Craig HewetsonThe Carpenters
Jayla and Cody LongwellThe HewetsonsThe Carpenters
Wyatt Kerns and Mom and DadMelvin and Jim RothJohn and Michael Yoker
Jonathan Trump and DadThe RothsThe Yokers
Son and Mike MorganDad and Ronnie DentzThe Yokers
The MorgansShane Kittle and DadTyler Kuhn, Dad and Sister
Travis, Darrell, and Wiatt BlakeThe KittlesWilly Wilkinson, Dad-Eddie, the Pooch and Caleb
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