2010 Mud Races

Guy Longwell

Everything is Good So Far!!

I Gotta Take A Break!!!




Cody on the Start 


What Mud?!! 




This isn't Bad . . .

. . . At All!!! 

A Rough One Today!! 

I Think The Tip of Your Nose is Clean!!!

Tractor Tires!!

Good Lines My A**!!!

Chris Layman

Fly MX Exercise Plan!!

The Fly MX Tow Truck Had a Busy Day!!

Two of The BEST Mud Riders at The Track!!

Dustin Lamp

I Will Be Up All Night Gettin' That Thing Clean!!!

Michael Bragg

I'll Let The Pit Crew Take It the Rest of the Way!!!

PUSH FASTER DAD!!! Only 2 More Laps!!!

If I am REAL Careful, I May Stay Clean!!!

I'm DOIN' IT!!!

He May Be a Little Underpowered, If He is Depending on the 2HP Behind Him!!!

Calvin Valentine

Kason "Teflon" Melchiori

Boy, Is His Mom Gonna Have a Mess to Clean Up!!

HEY, How 'Bout A Shove!! 

I know It's in Here Somewhere!

Is There A Crane?!!

Michael Myers Gets A Boost!!

Shove It This Way, NO, Shove It That Way!!!

I'm Thinking "OUTRIGGERS" Would Be A Great Idea!!

FINALLY, The Finish Line!!!

Blastin' Wiatt Blake!!!

What Was I Thinking!!!

I Don't Know How the Score Girls Do It!!!

Kason Always Seems to Be Looking for Something!

Gavin Shaver

Guy Thought About Routing Everyone Through the Moat, But Figured There Were Enough Obstacles Today!!

Andrew Looks for His Next Victim!

Everybody Gets Their Excercise at Fly MX Park!!

All in All, Another GREAT DAY FOR MOTOCROSS!!!

Thank God, That's Over!!

Another Fun Day Was Had by Everyone!!!

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