|  |  |
Longwell | Everything is
Good So Far!! | I Gotta Take A
Break!!! |
Cody on the Start | Mud?!!-- | What
Mud?!! |
This isn't
Bad . . . | . . . At
All!!! | A Rough One
Today!! |
 |  |  |
I Think The
Tip of Your Nose is Clean!!! | Tractor
Tires!! | Good Lines My
A**!!! |
 |  |  |
Layman | Fly MX
Exercise Plan!! | The Fly MX
Tow Truck Had a Busy Day!! |
 |  |  |
Two of The
BEST Mud Riders at The Track!! | Dustin
Lamp | I Will Be Up
All Night Gettin' That Thing Clean!!! |
 |  |  |
Bragg | I'll Let The
Pit Crew Take It the Rest of the Way!!! | PUSH FASTER DAD!!! Only 2 More Laps!!! |
 |  |  |
If I am REAL
Careful, I May Stay Clean!!! | I'm DOIN'
IT!!! | He May Be a
Little Underpowered, If He is Depending on the 2HP Behind
Him!!! |
 |  |  |
Valentine | Kason
"Teflon" Melchiori | Boy, Is His
Mom Gonna Have a Mess to Clean Up!! |
 |  |  |
HEY, How 'Bout A Shove!! | I know It's
in Here Somewhere! | Is There A
Crane?!! |
 |  |  |
Michael Myers
Gets A Boost!! | Shove It This
Way, NO, Shove It That Way!!! | I'm Thinking
"OUTRIGGERS" Would Be A Great Idea!! |
 |  |  |
Finish Line!!! | Blastin'
Wiatt Blake!!! | What Was I
Thinking!!! |
 |  |  |
I Don't Know
How the Score Girls Do It!!! | Kason Always
Seems to Be Looking for Something! | Gavin
Shaver |
 |  |  |
Guy Thought
About Routing Everyone Through the Moat, But Figured There Were
Enough Obstacles Today!! | Andrew Looks
for His Next Victim! | Everybody
Gets Their Excercise at Fly MX Park!! |
 | All in All,
Thank God,
That's Over!! | | Another Fun
Day Was Had by Everyone!!! |