NOTICE: Anyone entering the premises of FLY MX Park must read and sign a “Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement”. It must be read and signed at every event. If anyone does not wish to sign the release form, they will be asked to leave the premises. The release simply states all that enter are responsible for their well being. In other words, they enter at their own risk and assume all risks for any injuries incurred while at the event.
RULES: The rules at FLY MX Park are set forth and designed to provide for the orderly conduct of all events, participants are deemed to have complied with these rules. Rules are intended for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to a participant, spectator or official.
· Persons guilty of “Theft of Services” (entry without payment), will be charged double, or asked to leave.
· No unauthorized personnel on the track at any time.
· Spectators must stay off the track.
· Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
· Fly MX Park is not responsible for loss or damage of personal property.
· Anyone caught destroying property owned or maintained by Fly MX Park arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law and will be banned from the facility.
· Dogs must be on a leash (restrained) at all times.
· All trash is to be placed in the receptacles provided.
· Be Responsible; respect the rules.
· All riders are responsible for their own medical insurance.
· People transported by ambulance will be responsible for their own bill.
· Unsportsmanlike conduct of riders will not be tolerated.
· Those riding in a reckless manner will be asked to leave.
· Riders are to use 1st gear to and from the track.
· No road riding.
· No pit racing.
· A helmet must be worn at all times.
· Safety gear is mandatory when practicing or racing.
· Loud exhausts will not be tolerated. Aftermarket exhausts are allowed, but the packing must be maintained in good condition.
· Tether kill switches are required on all quads.
· Front and rear number plates with at least 6” high numbers are required on all quads. If numbers are not visible from the front or back, the rider will not be scored.
Participants under 18 years of age:
A parent, legal guardian or an authorized adult must accompany and sign a permission form in order for anyone under 18 years of age to ride at Fly MX Park. An authorized adult is someone over the age of 18 who has authorization from their parent or legal guardian to allow them to sign up and ride that day. The authorization form must specify the date, the track, the authorized adult, and the name of the rider. (ie.; I,______, as a parent/legal guardian of _______, hereby assign ______ as the authorized adult who will accompany my child at sign up at Fly MX Park, on ______. The authorized adult will remain at the track for the day’s event.